Film Errors & Omissions Insurance

Planning to sell or self-distribute your next film?

Don't wait for the film's paperwork delivery to discover the all-important value of Errors & Omissions coverage. It will protect your project from consequences that result from unintended pitfalls, including the following error prone areas:

  • Advertising for publicity and promotion of Scheduled Productions.

  • Invasion of privacy or publicity concerns.

  • Infringement of copyright, trademark, title, slogan.

  • Misappropriation of ideas under implied contract.

  • Breach of license - to use a third party's intellectual property.

  • Breach of agreement - to maintain the confidentiality of sources.

  • Failure to attribute authorship or provide credit.

  • Unauthorized use of someone's "likeness."

  • Fakery - using knock-off item to portray a well known original product.

  • ETC. etc

Contact us today at Akker, LLC our film insurance experts can help put together a proper and affordable Errors & Omissions Policy for your next Film.