Film Insurance & Unattended Vehicle Exclusion

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Why do rental houses ask to remove unattended vehicle exclusion from their insurance policy?

Whenever permitted, we can remove this exclusion from your policy because the carrier will not pay for loss or damage resulting from theft in any unattended vehicle, unless at the time of the theft its windows, doors and compartments were closed and locked and there were visible signs that the theft was the result of forced entry. Always remember to have a police report in case of a theft with or without signs of a break-in.

Most of the short term film insurance policies have the unattended vehicle endorsement on their policy. It is possible to remove the endorsement from the policy by providing the carrier with your inventory list, resume of the producer, location where equipment will be stored, security in place, and the rental agreement copy from the rental house that requires the unattended vehicle endorsement to be removed. Most of the annual insurance carriers will have the unattended vehicle endorsement already removed, but you will need to check with your insurance agent as carriers policies tend to change every year.

An increasing number of rental houses are requesting that clients’ insurance coverages have the unattended vehicle exclusion removed before they lease equipment; while others have it hidden in the fine print of their rental agreements. If you were unaware of this detail or failed to adhere to it, you could be left holding the bag for the entire cost of any stolen equipment. Having proper coverage is the key to protect your next production.

Before starting production on your next project, be sure to consult with a film production insurance specialist at Akker, LLC by visiting us at Our film specialist will guide you through the specific types of coverages and tailor a production package to your specific needs. For more information email us at

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