Film Set Safety - COVID19

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PREP - Begin work in office only when necessary. Discuss what portions of Prep can be done remotely/at home with production.

LOCATION SCOUTING - Limit the crew size for location scouting with only 2 people per car.

TECH SCOUT - Allow crew members to self-drive, when possible.

SAFETY PERSON - Consider having a designated individual during prep to have a thermometer, hand sanitizer, Clorox wipes and other necessary items.

PREP TEST - Consider testing the crew during the prep stage. Determine the availability of COVID tests, in order to effectively implement.

CONFERENCE CALLS - Modify large meetings - consider conference calls or video group calls instead.

PRODUCTION OFFICE - Do not use each other’s desks, electronics and etc.

CAMERA & SOUND DEPT. - Minimize the crew around camera while cast is on set. Make sure Camera and Sound Department crew have their PPE(gloves and masks N95) on while cast is on set.

PRODUCTION TRAVEL - Encourage cast/crew from traveling, visiting crowded places such as bars, restaurants, movie theaters, gyms, shopping malls, and everything that has crowds during the production stage.

LUNCH TIME - Divide the lunch hour into two times, to avoid large number of people in catering.

HYDRATION - Provide constant hydration to office and set personnel.

LOCATION DEPT. - Budget for Location Department to deep cleanse at the end of each wrap day. Disinfect all departments, restrooms and all other high-touch points of locations throughout the day.

TRANSPORT - Budget and Schedule for transportation vehicles to be disinfected several times a day.

ENTRANCES - Consider budgeting for temperature check areas before the crew/cast enters the lot, sound stage, office and etc. Consider having hand sanitizers and hand washing stations at the temperature check areas.

QUARANTINE STORAGE - Identify and designate an area where purchased and rented items can be cleaned before being brought to the set, production office, and etc. 

NO VISITORS - Absolutely no personnel is permitted on set, production office or any stages. Keep it to essential cast and crew only.

DISTANCE - Maintain 6 feet apart for all cast and crew unless absolutely necessary.

CONTACT - Avoid any unnecessary physical contact and touching your face.

PHYSICAL SPACE - No crew should be near cast, unless they are part of the Hair, Make Up, Sound or Wardrobe Departments. All Crew should be wearing a mask (N95) and gloves when near talent.

SANITATION STATIONS: Hand sanitizers should be available and visible in all areas of film set, production office and film stages.

PPE - Make sure your Film Budget includes costs to provide gloves, and respiratory protection (masks N95) for cast/crew to wear, when not on camera or set.

WIPES - Budget to provide disposable, disinfecting wipes so that commonly used surfaces and items can be wiped down before each use.

CATERING AND CRAFT SERVICE - Provide individually wrapped meals for your cast and crew.

CLEANING SERVICES - Budget for a cleaning service to be engaged to clean the production office, stages, and film set daily.

HEALTH CHECKS - Conduct a daily health/body temperature checks of cast/crew and anyone entering set, stage, office, and etc.

HEALTH PERSONNEL - Budget to increase health personnel to monitor, test and keep awareness high on the film set. 


FEELING SICK WHEN AT HOME If you ‘re feeling sick with fever, cough, or difficulty breathing, stay home and immediately inform your set supervisor. Consider seeking medical care right away if needed. Do not return to set if aforementioned symptoms persist. 

FEELING SICK WHEN ON SET Immediately put on both a face mask and gloves. Immediately inform your supervisor and leave the premises if possible. Avoid contact with other cast, crew, and set areas. If you are unable to leave the set, find an area to isolate until production can arrange transportation for you. 

IF EXPOSED: If any cast/crew have been in close contact with a suspected or known case of COVID-19, while that individual was ill. They should self-quarantine at home for 14 days. If you were within 6 feet of the ill individual for more than 10 minutes, or having had unprotected direct contact to respiratory secretions of the ill individual (for example cough or sneeze). 

The Set Safety in this document are suggestions only please consult with your legal team to develop proper safety procedures for your film set. Akker, LLC was founded by Stanislav Shkilnyi (IMDB LINK) a film industry expert with 16 years of film and television experience. He is well-known and trusted for providing insurance to a variety of independent filmmakers and A-list actors. Contact us today our team would love to help with insurance for your next production. (912) 247-3075 or