Staffing Firm Risks

As a Staffing Firm your main focus is the Hiring Process at your firm, Making sure that you are protected is of the utmost importance. Not securing the Correct coverage according to your needs, Never forget that as a Staffing Agency you have a responsibility for handling claims from your Candidates and Clients. Most likely your state Reacquires some form of Insurance for you to operate, Failing to provide adequate Insurance for your Clients can result in severe Client Liability Issues and fines form state regulators 

The employee screening process can include a high range of risk, Potential risk injuries can include various liability and Injury risks. The vetting Process must be done correctly  in order to avoid these serious risks.

Payroll must be insured for Client Side payment issues. Clients may not pay immediately or at the same time. Insuring payroll maintains that the Staffing Firm has a secure payroll and pays on time. 

Make sure that you are protected, Akker LLC can provide your firm with Comprehensive coverage for a price that will fit for your budget.