cast coverage insurance

Cast Coverage & Essential Elements

As Productions start slowing resuming to what is now the new normal post COVID-19. There are two very important and hard to underwriter coverages available. Cast Coverage and Essential Elements are very important coverages to have for your film insurance. See our new slide show blog below and contact us for a quote on your next production.

Essential Elements and Cast Insurance

Essential Elements Coverage is an Insurance Policy that distributor or film completion bond companies will require you to have as part of their agreement. This is typically required by a distributor or financier because they do not want the project without a particular actor or director involved.

Essential Elements is extended and enhanced to the cast insurance coverage. If the actor or director was to become incapacitated halfway through the film and could not continue production, then you as a producer would have the option to abandon the production and receive all the money back which you have spent to date in the form of an insurance claim.

Cast Coverage claim reimburses the producers for extra expenses and costs necessary to complete production due to death, injury or sickness of the director or actor. Standard cast coverage requires the production to recast and start over with another actor in the event you make a cast claim.

Essential Elements carries more risk for the insurance company protecting the film so the additional premium can be up to $15,000 per actor/director. Each individual scheduled as essential element must pass a cast medical exam for uralysis, blood work with a drug screen, EKG, and an x-ray. The physician completing the cast medical exam should not be the examinee’s personal physician.

If you have additional questions about Essential Elements or Cast Coverage for your next production contact us at