covid19 california


With COVID-19 effecting every state nation wide it is important to know new regulations in every state.

State of California has some major Regulations Changes coming in 2021. This could effect the Staffing Companies in the state of California been employer on record. See the changes California will face in January 2021.

COVID-19 Employer Playbook For a Safe Reopening

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The State of California considered the reopening of the state as a very important topic. On July 31, 2020 the state issued a COVID-19 Employer Playbook for a Safe Reopening for Employers. This includes the Guidance and procedures for employers and employees in enforcing mask requirements.

Below are some quick takeaways from the Playbook. You can read the full version of the COVID19 Employer Playbook for a Safe Reopening by Clicking Here.

Managing the Outbreak: If an employee has symptoms or tests positive for COVID19 they should be separated from other workers and sent home immediately. Employers should consider working with their LHD to track suspected and confirmed cases and notify the LHD when there is a known or suspected case of COVID-19 in the workplace.

Preventing COVID19 Spread in the Workplace: The Employer and LHD should work together to develop testing and contact tracing strategies, which include processes for interviewing close contacts and instructing them on how to correctly quarantine at home.

Limitations on Identifying COVID-19-Positive Individuals:  Employer should never reveal the identity of the infected individual to other employees or anyone at the work location. The Employer has the duty to inform all close contacts at the worksite that they may have been exposed to COVID19 while keeping employees identity a secret.

Enforcing Mask Requirements: The playbook guides employers on how to train workers in handling situations where coworkers or customers are refusing to wear face masks. Also outlines the 6ft distance rule and avoidance of individuals who are not wearing face masks.

Recording Cases of COVID-19: When a worker contracts COVID-19 at work and results in death, days away from work, medical treatment beyond first aid, diagnosed by medical professional, covered employers in California must record the case in their Cal/OSHA Log 300.

Worker Education: The playbook emphasizes the importances of employees protecting themselves physical distancing should be enforced, when sick workers should stay at home unless in need of medical care. The importance of reporting to your supervisor if symptoms of COVID19 occurs. The importance of washing your hands frequently and wearing of face coverings.

For better understanding of the Playbook read the full guidelines on the link above.

Thank you Akker LLC your Insurance Experts in Staffing Insurance and Film Insurance.

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