As a staffing company, you’re responsible for the data that you handle and store. You also have a responsibility to your clients and candidates regarding their personal information. With cyber liability insurance, you can protect yourself from financial loss caused by a data breach or malware attack. You can rest easy knowing that your business will be covered in the event of a security breach, since most cyber liability insurance policies cover costs associated with recovery from an attack on websites and platforms.

What is a data breach:

A data breach is an incident in which sensitive, protected or confidential data (e.g., personal, medical, financial or biometric information such as a scan of your fingerprint) is copied, transmitted or viewed by an individual who should not have access to that information. This can occur to systems and files within a company or on any network connected device (even computers and smart phones connected at home).

What is a Malware attack:

Malware is a general term for software designed to disrupt computer operations, gather sensitive information, or gain access to private computer systems. A malware attack is a virus or other form of malicious code that has been installed on your computer either through trickery or when you download free software that may contain hidden code.

If you are a small staffing business, it’s important to understand the implications of cyber liability insurance for your staffing company, it can have a serious impact on your bottom line, especially when it comes to data breaches.

For a Staffing Insurance Cyber Liability quote contact our team at Akker, LLC.

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