staffing cyber insurance

Protecting Your Staffing Company from Cyber Attacks: Essential Steps and Importance of Cyber Insurance


Protecting Your Staffing Company from Cyber Attacks: Essential Steps and Importance of Cyber Insurance

As technology becomes increasingly integrated into every aspect of business, staffing companies must be vigilant in protecting their computer systems from cyber attacks. A single cyber attack can cripple a business, causing significant financial losses and damaging its reputation. In this blog post, we will explore the potential cyber threats staffing companies face and provide actionable steps to prevent against those threats. We will also discuss the importance of cyber insurance and what it covers.

Potential Cyber Threats to Staffing Companies

There are several types of cyber threats staffing companies may face, including:

  1. Phishing attacks: These are attempts to steal sensitive information such as usernames, passwords, and credit card details by masquerading as a trustworthy entity in an email or other electronic communication.

  2. Ransomware: This is a type of malware that encrypts a company's files and demands payment in exchange for the decryption key.

  3. DDoS attacks: Distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks overwhelm a company's server with traffic, causing it to crash and preventing legitimate users from accessing the system.

  4. Insider threats: Employees or contractors with access to sensitive information may intentionally or unintentionally compromise the system's security.

Preventing Cyber Attacks

  1. Educate employees: The first line of defense against cyber attacks is to educate employees about the risks and best practices for staying safe online. This includes strong password policies, not clicking on suspicious links or downloading unknown files, and regularly updating software and security systems.

  2. Implement strong security measures: Staffing companies must have robust security measures in place, including firewalls, antivirus software, and intrusion detection systems. Regularly updating software and installing security patches is also essential to prevent vulnerabilities that hackers can exploit.

  3. Conduct regular risk assessments: Regularly assessing risks and identifying vulnerabilities in the system can help prevent potential cyber attacks. This includes performing penetration testing and vulnerability scanning to identify weaknesses in the system.

  4. Backup data regularly: In the event of a cyber attack, having backups of critical data is essential to quickly recover and resume operations.

  5. Consider cyber insurance: Cyber insurance is an important coverage to consider for staffing companies. It can help cover the costs associated with a cyber attack, including the cost of notifying customers, hiring forensic experts to investigate the attack, and legal fees.

What Does Cyber Insurance Cover?

Cyber insurance covers a range of costs associated with a cyber attack, including:

  1. Notification costs: The cost of notifying customers, vendors, and other parties affected by the cyber attack.

  2. Forensic costs: The cost of hiring forensic experts to investigate the attack and determine the extent of the damage.

  3. Legal fees: The cost of hiring legal counsel to navigate the legal and regulatory landscape after a cyber attack.

  4. Business interruption costs: The cost of lost revenue and expenses incurred as a result of a business interruption caused by a cyber attack.


Cyber attacks are a serious threat to staffing companies and can cause significant financial losses and damage to the company's reputation. Implementing strong security measures, educating employees about best practices, regularly assessing risks, and backing up data are essential steps to prevent against cyber attacks. Additionally, considering cyber insurance can help protect staffing companies from the financial impact of a cyber attack. By taking proactive steps to protect their computer systems and assets, staffing companies can minimize the risk of a cyber attack and safeguard their business.


As a staffing company, you’re responsible for the data that you handle and store. You also have a responsibility to your clients and candidates regarding their personal information. With cyber liability insurance, you can protect yourself from financial loss caused by a data breach or malware attack. You can rest easy knowing that your business will be covered in the event of a security breach, since most cyber liability insurance policies cover costs associated with recovery from an attack on websites and platforms.

What is a data breach:

A data breach is an incident in which sensitive, protected or confidential data (e.g., personal, medical, financial or biometric information such as a scan of your fingerprint) is copied, transmitted or viewed by an individual who should not have access to that information. This can occur to systems and files within a company or on any network connected device (even computers and smart phones connected at home).

What is a Malware attack:

Malware is a general term for software designed to disrupt computer operations, gather sensitive information, or gain access to private computer systems. A malware attack is a virus or other form of malicious code that has been installed on your computer either through trickery or when you download free software that may contain hidden code.

If you are a small staffing business, it’s important to understand the implications of cyber liability insurance for your staffing company, it can have a serious impact on your bottom line, especially when it comes to data breaches.

For a Staffing Insurance Cyber Liability quote contact our team at Akker, LLC.

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Insurance Requirements for Staffing Agency


What insurance coverages does your staffing company need?

Proper Staffing Insurance is an important part of a staffing company's business. What would happen to your business if one of your employees was injured or became ill? What if one of your employees was involved in an accident at work? Would your staffing company still be able to continue operating if you had to pay for their medical bills or other claims?

Staffing Insurance is a crucial part of a staffing company's business plan. Without insurance, your company could be in a very precarious situation. Below are examples of insurance coverages that are available to staffing companies.


General Liability Insurance

General Liability is the basic insurance any staffing company might be required to carry by their clients. This includes things like third-party injuries and damage claims, property damage, reputational harm, and copyright infringement.

Professional Liability Insurance

A very important coverage for any staffing company that is in the business of staffing temporary workers or perm placements. Professional Liability can protect your business from malpractice, errors, or negligence in the rendering of your duties. Since you are providing employees to your clients you can run into trouble if any of the employees fail in their duties. For example, an employee not having the necessary skills for the job, not meeting the conditions of your contract, or failing to adhere to industry regulations.

Workers Compensation Insurance

Workers compensation insurance protects employees and employers alike from financial loss as a result of injuries sustained on the job.

-Workers compensation reduces the financial risk for employers in the event of employee injuries.
-Workers compensation insurance means that employees are not uninsured, which is a benefit to employees and employers alike.


Cyber Liability Insurance

Commercial Umbrella Insurance

Hired and Non-Owned Auto Insurance (HONA)

Crime/3rd Party Theft Insurance

Property Insurance

Employment Practices Liability

Employee Benefits Liability

Abuse & Molestation Insurance

Contact our team at Akker, LLC we would love to help you with your staffing insurance needs. Akker, LLC works with A+ rated national staffing carriers.

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